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Al McWhiggin Sleeps

by Joan
(Austin, TX)

Al McWhiggin Sleeps

Al McWhiggin Sleeps

This is such a minor part of Toy Story 2, but for some reason I really liked it for the crazy realism!

The scene is just after Woody has been captured by Al McWhiggin, the dishonest owner of Al's Toy Barn. Woody's arm has been torn off, but he is put into a display case inside Al's apartment until he can be restored.

Woody wants nothing more than to get back to Andy, so he's carrying his own arm and waits until Al is asleep before he makes his escape.

The next few scenes show Al sleeping and it is AMAZING how real he looks. You see NOSE HAIRS and the large pores of his skin. Every eyelash - it's all magnified because we see him from Woody's point of view.

It's not the most attractive scene, but the details are impressive, from the way Al's tongue lays in his slack mouth to the awkward tilt of his glasses. Pixar artists even included the orange powder that sticks to Al's fingers when he ate the cheesy puffs!

Al's slobbish personality shone through at this moment in Toy Story 2.

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Al McWhiggin Sleeps

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Never thought about it but you're right!
by: Amy

Indeed, it's all about those details that Pixar is so famous for. That's some crazy good realism capturing Al McWhiggin's personality.

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