The Incredibles Movie is about a Super Family
Who Must Hide Who They Are
In 2004 Pixar released The Incredibles movie, the animation studio's sixth feature film. This was the first time an outside director and writer came in to run the show.

Brad Bird came over from Warner Brothers over to Pixar with his story which had been planned as a traditional animated film. He and John Lasseter had a history together at the art institution CalArts. The Incredibles movie characters are all human in this film, which was also a first for Pixar, and that posed huge challenges for animators. Examples include hair falling and moving in the right way for Violet, which was central to her character, and also getting the skin to look just right - not plasticky but not too realistic looking either. Making characters appear too real, believe it or not, becomes very unappealing to us.
This film is also the longest, running at nearly two hours, however, the action excites the kids and keeps them interested and the story line keeps the adults entertained as well.
This Pixar film has a strong set of characters; take a look at the links below for all the information you need to know. Who is who? What is each character's role in this complex movie? You'll enjoy this film more when you know everyone and what they can do!
This is an overall great film with fantastic, funky 60s style design and feel to it.
Two Pixar short films were released with this movie. First is Boundin', about a young sheep who gets a life lesson from a wise jackalope. The second is Jack-Jack Attack, which is a sideline story to what happens with the baby while Helen and the two kids are off finding Bob and rescuing Metroville.
What's your favorite part of The Incredibles and why did you love it so much?
Which character made this movie so memorable for you?
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Pixar Fan Contributions:
Click below to see what other Pixar fans like yourself have to say about The Incredibles...
The Incredible Incredibles
Pixar's The Incredibles are just that: Incredible! This picture was made "for" kids. But us grown ups didn't realize it would sneak up on us. Larger …
Ultimate Pixar Tribute- Movie #6: The Incredibles
Plot: In an alternate reality where super-heroes coexist with humans like regular celebrities, we meet Mr. Incredible (played by Craig T. Nelson). Blessed …
The Most Incredible Movie Ever
Well, The Incredibles has been my favorite movie since early 2005, when my grandmother rented it for the enjoyment of my siblings and I. The Incredibles …
I Am The Greatest Good!
My favorite part of the movie The Incredibles is when Frozone AKA Lucius Best, Bob's super-powered friend, is trying to find his super suit so that he …
Mr. Incredible, The Everyday Hero
Mr. Incredible AKA Bob Parr is a wonderful everyman character and one of the most easy to relate to heroes in any kind of media. Like all the best superheroes, …
Honey, It's Time for Dinner!
The funniest scene from The Incredibles is when Bob Parr has come home after being fired and he's alone in his home office. After taking all the stuff …
Elastigirl is quite a gal!
Helen Parr, AKA Elastigirl , is my favorite character from The Incredibles. I love the fact that she has a strong, take-charge personality, and in other …
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All movie stills are copyright Pixar/Disney