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by Jeffrey T. Cunnings
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

A Bug's Life is my favorite Pixar movie, despite being it quite underrated compared to other masterpieces like Toy Story and Monsters Inc.

Anyway, my favorite character of the entire movie is Heimlich, the cute and fat caterpillar, who speaks with a German accent and has a eating problem, like most caterpillars.

He's the most colorful character in the movie in my opinion, with a yellow-ish green body with some teal on the top, a dark green color inside the mouth, while his antennas, his 4 arms, his 6 legs and the red buttons on his back are all red!

Plus, he, along with Francis and Dot ARE the ones that actually almost got eaten by the bird (Heimlich and Slim were distracting the bird, to then fall into a crack on purpose. Slim managed to, but Heimlich got stuck due to his obesity.)

Heimlich is actually a more popular character than I thought, he is on almost EVERY boxart for the VHS/ plus he has (My daycare used to have 2 toy Heimlichs, the person who took care of the daycare gave one of them to me.)

Along with the Squeeze Toy Aliens (Toy Story) and Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc.), Heimlich is my favorite Pixar character ever. It's a shame that the one behind his brilliant voice is now deceased :(.

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