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I Am The Greatest Good!

by Michelle L.
(Durham, NC)

My favorite part of the movie The Incredibles is when Frozone AKA Lucius Best, Bob's super-powered friend, is trying to find his super suit so that he can help Bob fight the evil machine. He yells out to his wife: "Honey, where is my super suit?" She replies "Why do you need to know?!"

This is wonderful banter between husband and wife because the tones that they use with one another are familiar to all viewers who have been in adult relationships. The scene hits its pivotal moment when Frozone's wife lays down the law and tells him that he can't go anywhere because her night is in danger and she's the greatest good he's ever gonna get!

The look on Frozone's face is priceless. He sighs and lowers his shoulders in defeat. I think that many men out there can relate to how Frozone feels at this moment; wives are good at bossing their husbands around. This entire scene is exactly why the movie is not just for children; there is a lot of humor made just for adult audiences. Parents will not get bored taking their children to see this film. My husband and I have watched this film numerous times and we absolutely love this scene!

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