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Linguini is More Than The Pasta He Cooks!

by Brenda

Alfredo Linguini is the character who makes the movie Ratatouille so special for me. He is extremely cute in his awkwardness around the intimidating Skinner. He just falls into a strange situation that he has no idea about!

Plus, he is very bashful around Colette, whom he has a crush on. He falls over himself, trips, stutters, and is generally goofy. In addition to his cuteness, Linguini also has a heart of gold, making him an excellent example for young children viewers.

He befriends the rat Remy, when many people would be disgusted by rats in the first place, especially near food! He even takes to calling Remy "little chef." When he decides to stand by Remy's side after the health inspector "rats" them out, Linguini proves himself to be a loyal friend.

His story is a simple feel-good one that will inspire children to do the right thing. In the end, Linguini gets his girl, his job, and his friend. He is the perfect heir to Gusteau, who proudly preached that "anyone can cook!" Even rats.

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