Monsters Inc. Scene:
Bile the Trainee Fails the Scare Test
Pixar's Monsters Inc. movie has an opening scene of a little boy saying goodnight to his parents as they turn out the light. He snuggles into his bed, ready to go to sleep. The crickets are chirping, an owl is hooting, the clock is ticking and the wind blows a soft breeze through the window.

The boy's eyes fly open when he hears the creak of his closet door opening, and he looks across the room only to see a shirt sleeve blew out of a crack in the closet doorway. So he closes his eyes again and tries to go back to sleep.
Just then, a shadow floats over the bed, rising above the boy. Then under the bed, we see some scary red eyes glowing in the dark. And rising over the boy is the closet monster, dark and menacing with his four arms raised above his head.
The boy wakes up and screams, and Bile the monster screams back in fright, backing up and stepping on jumping jacks, which makes him scream again and a soccer ball bonks him on the head making the silliest sound, he scoots along the rug on his bottom...
It is easily one of the funniest moments in Pixar movies! What do you think? Tell us here.
All movie stills are copyright Pixar/Disney