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Pixar Shorts:
For the Birds

Pixar short film For the Birds

For the Birds is one of those Pixar shorts that is deceptively simple looking on the outside, but lots of technology going on behind the scenes. The objective in this short was making all those feathers look real and individual.

Released in 2000, it was shown in theaters in 2001 with Monsters Inc. It subsequently won the 2002 Oscar for Best Short Animated Film.

According to the Pixar website, the first four birds to land on the power line are named Bully, Chipper, Snob and Neurotic, all names referring to their personalities as you will see in the story.

You can also catch a very quick glimpse of the birds sitting on their power line in the movie Cars as Mack drives down the freeway heading for California. You have to keep your eye out for them because it goes by VERY fast!

For the Birds Plot

A group of birds lands on a telephone wire and they all talk and argue amongst one another. Suddenly a very large, tall bird calls out to them from atop the next telephone pole. The birds look at the large bird with wide eyes, as he waves back and says hello in his bird way.

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The small birds laugh and mock the big guy and then move down the line away from him, gossiping secretively amongst themselves. Then the big bird joins them, landing on the wire in the middle of all the little birds.

His weight is so heavy that it causes the smaller birds to slide inwards toward him and squish together and they don't like it at all. But the big guy persists on striking up a friendship.

One of the little birds pecks him and causes him to fall backwards, but his feet clutch the wire as he hangs upside down. The two middle birds next to his toes peck at them until only one toe grasps the wire.

At that point, the other birds realize that the low hanging wire will act as a sling shot once the big bird falls and they tell the two pecking birds to stop. But it is too late and as the big bird falls, the birds are shot into the air, leaving their feathers behind.

The big guy on the ground sees all the blue feathers floating down around him, then one by one, all the little birds come down, completely naked. This makes the big bird laugh and laugh and the little birds are terribly embarrassed as they hide behind the big guy at the end of this Pixar short film.

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