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Pixar's Motion Picture Up is Amazing

by Steve R.

I'm sure that Up will become another great memorable Disney classic; the movie is popular with kids, teens, and adults alike.

One of my favorite scenes is where the characters Carl and Russell meet Doug for the first time near Paradise Falls. This scene is my favorite because it's so historically funny how Doug acts just like a golden retriever would really act. His short attention span, and his eagerness to be accepted and liked, and of course he has the need to love his master back even if the love is not mutual at first.

Also the storyline of Up is great for teaching kids about love, compassion, and tolerance. This movie has great morals for kids. It also teaches kids to follow their dreams even if life gets in the way and sidetracks you for a while.

I also love how the story line starts out slow explaining how Ellie and Carl got together and how their relationship developed throughout their marriage. The music that plays in the background is also sweet and endearing just like Ellie and Carl’s relationship.

It's one of the best Pixar movies to watch with your whole family, I know they will enjoy all the characters, even the not so easy to please Mr.Carl Fredricksen.

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