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The Incredibles Characters:
The Incredibles/Parr Family

The Incredibles characters in the superhero Parr family have all the same issues that normal families have: teenage angst, sibling fighting, spouses arguing. The Parr family takes it to a whole new level when they have to suppress their special powers while still encouraging their children to be their best. Just how do they relate with one another? Let's read about each one...

Mr. Incredible AKA Bob Parr

Bob and Helen Parr

During the Golden Age of Superheros, Mr. Incredible was known for his great strength. He's tall and has a massive chest, arms and shoulders and can throw heavy objects like big trucks and even stop a train in its tracks.

Mr. Incredible also uses his strength to jump far distances, as he did when he saved a man from plunging to his death from a nearby skyscraper. The Incredibles character has strength that enables him to take a beating and not get hurt, although he can be cut as he did when later battling the Omnidroid on Nomanisan Island.

Mr. Incredible wears a blue and black super suit during the Golden Age of Supers and when he resumes his superhero work, his new suit is red and black.

Mr. Incredible marries Elastigirl shortly before all the lawsuits began and he and Elastigirl go into hiding as Bob and Helen Parr. He's the father of three children: Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack.

Fifteen years after living life as civilians, Bob is an employee at a mega-insurance company called Insuracare. He's middle aged, has gained about 50 pounds and his belly is bigger than his chest now. His blonde hair is receding and there are noticeable wrinkles around his eyes.

He does not like his job as as a claims adjuster and works around company procedure to get his clients the money they deserved. He was soon fired by his boss, Gilbert Huph, when his frustration got the better of him and he threw Huph through several walls.

As do many former supers, The Incredibles character Bob Parr finds the civilian life to be difficult and he yearns for his glory days. He goes out every Wednesday night with his friend and former super Frozone, or Lucius Best. They listen to the police scanner and help out undetected if possible.

Mr. Incredible

He later takes a job from a mysterious agent named Mirage who asks him to defeat a robot and resume his superhero duties for a large pay increase. Despite being out of shape, he agrees and his mission is a success. He's called on to more work and subsequently goes on a diet and exercise plan and gains his strength back and loses the belly.

Bob later finds out who his true employer is: Syndrome, his former fan named Buddy Pine who wanted to be his sidekick when Buddy was a kid.

Mr. Incredible and his family are able to defeat Syndrome and his Omnidroid with Mirage and Frozone's help. He and his wife also save their baby, Jack-Jack from Syndrome at the end of The Incredibles.

I absolutely love these Mr. Incredibles products. Look at what I've uncovered just for you. Cool, huh?

Mr. Incredible Poster

Mr. Incredible Sweatshirt

See more hip-looking Mr. Incredibles tee shirts, posters and more: CLICK HERE. Liking the toys? for some awesome and rare items.

Elastigirl AKA Helen Parr

Helen Parr

She's a woman who knows what she wants and along with her determination, she's got super powers. She's The Incredibles character Elastigirl, and she can stretch her body as far as she wants and mold her frame into many shapes to suit the need. She's turned herself into a parachute after a jet explodes, saving herself and her children and she's also turned herself into a boat. Elastigirl is quick and strong - even with her arm stretched far, she can punch out a villain.

Elastigirl also has a decisive and independent personality with a natural ability to lead. She's very smart and quick thinking, coming up with effective solutions on the spot. One surprising skill she's got is the ability to fly a jet airplane!

She is also a bit of a feminist as she scoffs during an interview at the beginning of The Incredibles at the thought of settling down with a family. "I'm at the top of my game! Leave the saving the world to the men? I don't think so!"

Elastigirl marries Mr. Incredible and together they go through the undercover government protection program as Helen and Bob Parr. Helen is now a stay-at-home mother to her three children Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack. She's the ultimate domestic goddess who can muli-task chores and keep her children from attacking one another with their constant bickering. It takes superhero strength to keep her family as "normal" as possible.


Helen is also a devoted wife to Bob and she gets frustrated when he has continued difficulty in leaving behind his life as a Super. She also suspects Bob is having an affair when he exercises and loses a lot of weight, buys nice clothes and a new sports car, and then the final blow, she finds a long blonde hair (Mirage's) on the lapel of his jacket. She also feels a little bit bad about her own looks since she cut her hair shorter and had lost some of her slender figure in her 15 years of marriage.

Having found out the truth about Bob's secret job, Helen goes after him, only to discover that her two older children followed along. Helen knows what to say to them to give them the courage to save themselves as she goes alone in search of her husband. Her quick wit keeps her family together and she and Bob make a great team as leaders of The Incredible family.

Violet Parr

The Incredibles Violet character

Violet is Bob and Helen's 15-year-old daughter who has the ability to turn invisible and produce force fields. The Incredibles character has two younger brothers, Dash and Jack-Jack.

At the beginning of the movie, Violet is shy; she doesn't want to be noticed and it shows by the way her hair covers her face and she always looks down and speaks in a low, quiet voice. Violet lacks self confidence. She's got a crush on a good-looking boy named Tony Rydinger, but she turns invisible whenever he looks her way, to avoid attention.

Interest in her superpowers are ignited when she and Dash discover their custom made super suits. Violet looks in awe as her suit disappears with her so she can turn completely invisible!

Her abilities are called upon when she and Dash stow away on the jet her mother is flying to Nomanisan Island. As they are being attacked by missiles, Helen urgently demands that Violet use her force field to shield the aircraft. But because Violet never explored her powers and had been forbidden to use it, she cannot produce any protection and the missiles hit the plane. Violet's mother saves her and Dash in the nick of time.

Over time, though, Violet gains confidence in her abilities, especially when she saves her brother from nearly being shot. When it counts most, she comes through and she blossoms.

At the end of the movie, The Incredibles character Violet saves her entire family as Syndrome's plane explodes over their house. As the dust settles, everything around them has been burned and flattened, but it was Violet's force field who saved everybody.

Violet Parr and Tony Rydinger

Violet now knows and understands her powers and she's got confidence now. At school she wears her hair back now and she speaks with easy-going authority. She's even changed her style of clothing wearing pretty colors instead of her usual baggy dark colored clothes.

As The Incredibles character Tony Rydinger approaches Violet, he stammers with awkwardness when speaking to her. Violet mentions she likes going to the movies and is available on Friday. She says she'll buy the popcorn. It is a happy ending for Violet.

Dashiell Robert "Dash" Parr


Dash is Bob and Helen's 10-year-old son who has the ability run and get around with lightening speed. The Incredibles character has an older sister, Violet and a younger baby brother named Jack-Jack.

Unlike Violet, who just wants to be normal, Dash wants to be extraordinary! He desperately wants to join the track team and run only a little bit faster than the other kids. But his mother insists that it isn't a good idea and forbids it, saying everyone is special. Frustrated, Dash says that since everybody is "special" it really means that nobody is special.

After the plane crashes, though, and mom and kids are stranded in the water, Dash gets to use his legs as an outboard motor as his mother turns herself into a boat to get to Nomanisan Island.

The Incredibles Dash running

Once they arrived at the island, Helen implores her children to use their powers and tells Dash to run as fast as he can. He can hardly believe it and is giddy with excitement that at last he can use his abilities.

When Violet and Dash are discovered on the island, Dash leads the goons on an exciting high speed chase through the jungle. Dash learns just how powerful he really is through this escapade and this gives him even more confidence.Dash's speed helps him and his family work together to defeat Syndrome.

Jack-Jack Parr

Jack Jack

The baby of the family, Jack-Jack is the only one of the Parrs not known to have any super hero powers. At the beginning of the movie, The Incredibles character Jack-Jack is just your average, cute little baby who babbles and gurgles. He displays no hint of any sort of special ability.

Violet later arranges for Jack-Jack to stay with the babysitter, The Incredibles character Kari McKeen, while she and Dash sneak on board the jet their mother is piloting. Kari is the first person to see what Jack-Jack can do, but in The Incredibles movie, we only get a hint from her phone messages she leaves for Helen.

The Pixar short, Jack-Jack Attack shows you what Kari witnessed with Jack-Jack's emerging super hero powers and how she dealt with an increasing crisis of his uncontrolled abilities.

When we get to the end of the movie, The Incredibles character Syndrome kidnaps Jack-Jack, we see what the infant is capable of. As Syndrome flies up to his hovering aircraft above the Parr home, Jack-Jack first turns into a fiery ball of flame, setting Syndrome ablaze. Then he becomes a heavy leaden weight, dragging Syndrome down and Syndrome must use all his strength to carry Jack-Jack upward. Finally, Jack-Jack turns into a red devilish little creature with big teeth and ferociously attacks Syndrome.

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