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UP: Disney Disaster or Animated Greatness?

by Anonymous

Depending on your view of Pixar animation, UP is one fantastic journey following the story of a seventy-something old man who travels the globe and faces talking dogs and super villains.

This Disney Digital First ever 3D Format film is great for the whole family whether its little brother Alex, little sister Jenny, uncle Martin or Grandma or Grandpa watching. This is for everyone! Up will captivate you, make you laugh, cry, and share many emotional moments with your family for years to come.

Up may have just been released but you can already tell it's an instant family classic!

The adventures in the jungles and deserts of South America are memorable!! The goal is to get the house to the Carl's chosen spot like in the pictures. I love how the story began and fell in love with the two children, watched them fall in love, get married, and then the movie took a nose dive. A couple that could not conceive? Getting old without fulfilling their dreams?

I loved all the action and adventure! Russell is a funny kid and that is what kept the movie alive for me! Thumbs up... So if you're into movies about Life, Dreams and reality then enjoy UP with the family. I say Greatness!

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