WALL-E Movie Characters:
Minor Characters
The WALL-E movie characters who have minor roles are surprisingly varied. Let's learn more about who they are here.
Shelby Forthright
Seen only on a video, Shelby Forthright was the Global CEO of Buy n Large Corporation in the early 22nd century. Forthright came up with the idea of Operation Clean-Up and Operation Re-Colonize, having the WALL·E robots clean up the earth while humans take a five-year space cruise aboard a starliner fleet lead by the Axiom.
However, Forthright's plan does not work out. Earth is too overrun with garbage and the plans have changed. He issues a secret directive called A113 to the fleet's Autopilots: Stay the course, do not return, obey the directive at any cost.
Shelby Forthright is the first character Pixar has filmed as a live-action figure with a speaking role in a movie.
John and Mary
John and Mary are two humans aboard the Axiom who are lost within their own worlds of holographic screens and automated service as they coast along in their hover chairs.
John "wakes up" when he thinks WALL·E is a waiter-bot there to take his empty cup and the little robot accidentally knocks him off his chair but helps him back up.
Mary also met WALL·E on the people-mover. Both Mary and John both had their screens turned off and noticed the world around them for the first time. They also both see WALL-E and EVE space-dancing outside and then they notice one another and fall in love.
Later John and Mary save a group of babies from being crushed when AUTO tips the Axiom to one side.
It is said that after the apocalypse, the only creatures able to endure would be the cockroach. In the movie, that cockroach is Hal, WALL·E's friend who follows him everywhere and keeps him company. I never thought I'd see a cute cockroach, but leave it to Pixar to make it possible with the little chirping sounds he makes.
All movie stills are copyright Pixar/Disney