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WALL-E Video Clip:
The First Date

EVE has been deactivated once she automatically took in the plant that WALL-E showed her. All that she does is flash a green leaf off and on, as a homing signal for the ship that will collect her again and bring her to the starliner, the Axiom.

Out of this World

The poor little robot doesn't know what to do - he doesn't understand why she's not in active mode anymore. He keeps her outside for awhile, but protects her from harsh elements, like the rain. He get's zapped by lightning, though!

He also tries to jump-start her like a battery, and he manages to open the hatch behind the flashing leaf icon, only to be blasted away. He finally realizes that EVE is not going to "wake up".

So he takes her out on a date. They walk together by him towing her with a string of Christmas lights as she floats behind. He rows her in an old tire, like a romantic boat on a lake. And they sit to watch the sunset together and he tries to pry her hand out so he can hold it. EVE is quite compact and strong and it doesn't work; WALL·E's hand gets stuck and he can't get loose!

The music in this video is so sweet and the whole scene is endearing.

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Video clip is copyright Pixar/Disney

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