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I Loved Finding Nemo and Would Bring my Kids

by Jonas

I just loved Finding Nemo and if I had kids, I would bring them all to see it! So many movies out there are filled with negative messages, but Finding Nemo is a delight in so many ways.

First there are the amazing animations, which are beautiful and fun to look at. Then there are the characters which are superb, with expressive faces that are perfectly matched to the actor's voices.

I really enjoyed the voices of Ellen DeGeneres and Albert Brooks for the main characters. The animated characters even seemed to match the actors voices, which added so much reality to the experience of watching the movie.

Finally, I really loved the positive message that Finding Nemo shares. The characters learn about overcoming fear, persisting in the face of obstacles, growing personally, and growing in relationship with those we love. It is a very wise movie that I want to share with all my nieces and nephews! :-)

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