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Monsters Inc. Goes Wild with Unusual Creatures and an Imaginative Story

Within the first five minutes of Monsters Inc. you notice a couple of things right away. First, the realism always grabs you - it's cartoonish, but so 3D and life-like at the same time!

Monsters Inc.

Every time I see a Pixar movie, I get that same feeling, that it's ultra-real or something.

Next, when you see the Monsters Inc. characters, you can't help but be impressed with the imagination that went into creating these creatures. They all look funny, none are really scary, and each is unique from the way they walk or slither to their voices, which often times does not match their looks and makes them even more silly.

In this movie there two sections for the characters:

Not only are these monsters not really scary, you discover in the storyline just how funny, compassionate and h umane they really are. Except for the bad guys, of course. They're mean.

Lastly, the Pixar folks impress us again with their special effects. This time it's how they've managed to accomplish the look of natural fur, especially the lead Monster's Inc. character, Sulley, who is big and blue with longish fur all over his body. It moves with him so naturally; the shadowing and the way the hair lays over the curves of his shoulders is remarkable. Did you notice that, too?

Be sure to check out the Pixar shorts released with Monster's Inc. For the Birds was released in the theater and Mike's New Car was created especially for the DVD release for home entertainment.

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