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In Toy Story 2
Woody Has a Serious Choice to Make

Toy Story 2 continues where the first Toy Story movie left off. This movie was originally going to be released by Disney as a straight to video movie, as they had had prior successes with their other movies using this strategy - it's far more profitable not to have to release the movie in a theater. And it is generally known that sequels, especially those that go straight to video, are not as high in quality both in animation and in the story.

Toy Story 2

However, John Lasseter at Pixar produces gold standard movies and he just could not compromise his characters and story that was created four years ago with the original Toy Story. This sequel turned out so well that Disney agreed to release it in the theaters and it did far better than the original. It was the highest grossing animated feature film ever next to The Lion King!

Luxo Jr. was the Pixar short released with this film.

Toy Story 3 is the last in the Toy Story trilogy, released in June 2010. What happens to these toys after Andy's grown up?

To Be Played or Displayed: That is the Question

While the first Toy Story dealt with rival jealousies and the worries toys had of being rejected by their owners, the Toy Story 2 plot explores the toys' experience of being played with and loved by a child to be later rejected as the child grows up.

The other choice is to be meticulously handled and displayed by adults for the sake of being a valuable collectible, forever being cherished but not played with.

There are also some wonderful new characters introduced in this movie and there are three sections for them:

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