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Finding Nemo Disney Feature Film:
A Father Fish's Undersea Journey

The coral reef is a splendor of color teeming with life. In this Finding Nemo Disney feature film, we are introduced to yet another new computer animated world: the sea.

Finding Nemo

The scenes in the ocean were so well done in the production phase of this movie that viewers couldn't tell anymore that it was computer generated! It would have looked funny with animated fish swimming about and talking to one another in a photo-realist background, so animators had to redo this with something called hyper-realism, which looks real, but animated at the same time.

Undulating sea plants, filtered sunlight through the water, floating bits of debris, bubbles and fading light in the background due to the murky nature of water contributed to the life-like scenes. It was beautiful!

The film is also scientifically correct, for the most part.

The Characters are Based on Real Animals

Fish obviously don't have expressive faces, but the Finding Nemo Disney Characters are based on actual aquatic species. The ecosystem is modeled after real plant and animal life and there really is a "super highway" called the East Australian Current that flows near Sydney. So kids, pay attention, you'll learn something!

The list of characters from this film are divided into four sections:

The story about Marlin's journey to find Nemo is not only the miles he swam to get to Sydney, but an emotional journey to be able to let go and trust his little boy, because Marlin's overprotective nature was what drove Nemo away in the first place.

The story line was brilliant, and the heavy duty underlying theme of the story was punctuated with plenty of downright hilarious scenes and exciting adventures.

With such a story line and stunning computer animation, it's no wonder that this Pixar film became the all time best selling animated movie to date in 2003.

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