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Ratatouille Movie Video Clip:
Emile Horks It Down

In this Ratatouille movie scene, Remy the rat wants his older brother Emile to taste food that is good food - fine food. Emile is always gobbling down any piece of garbage he finds and doesn't care what it is or where it comes from.

Taste and smell are not important to Emile. He does not have the same finely-tuned senses that his brother Remy has. But Remy has such outstanding experiences tasting food that he wants to share that pleasure with the brother he loves.

But when Remy offers Emile a nice piece of cheese and a perfectly ripe grape to savor, Remy grabs the cheese and just starts horking it down. That's the first time I'd ever heard that word, hork, and it was so funny in this scene, the word made this part of the movie unforgettable and hilarious.

We see how Emile simply doesn't get it. He doesn't have the finely tuned senses that his enthusiastic foodie brother has and is mildly entertained for a moment. But Emile clearly doesn't want to pursue tasting expeditions any more. He prefers grabbing and horking.

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Video clip copyright Pixar/Disney

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