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The Incredibles Video Scene:
Edna Mode Designs Super Suits
without Capes

In this scene from The Incredibles, Bob Parr pays a visit to Edna Mode, the former designer for many of the super heroes during the Golden Age of Supers. He had a rip in his old Mr. Incredible super suit caused by the Omnidroid he successfully defeated on Nomanisan Island.

Bob drives up to Edna's heavily secured gate and announces his arrival and Edna pushes away the security guard on the video, her eyes barely able to reach the camera to see her guest. When she recognizes Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible, she comments on how fat he's become.

Edna leads Bob through her chic, ultra-modern home as they make small talk. Edna complains about the supermodels she who wear her designs, calling them "spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves".

Bob shows her his old super suit, saying he only wants a patch job, and Edna looks at it with suspicion since the fabric is so sturdy, thinking he has been moonlighting hero work. She goes on saying it is a hobo suit and he can't be seen in such an outdated thing.

Edna yearns for a challenge and insists on making him a new suit, and Bob makes a suggestion for a suit like DynaGuy because he likes his cape and his boots. Edna promptly tells him, "No capes!" and regales many examples of doomed superheroes who were killed because of their capes. Watch here to learn their stories.

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Video clip is copyright Pixar/Disney

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