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Toy Story 2 Video Clip:
Jessie's Song, When She Loved Me

After being stolen by Al McWhiggin in Toy Story 2, Woody wants desperately to return home to Andy. He befriends the others in the Roundup Gang, but both Jessie and the Prospector want to go to the toy museum in Japan because they don't have a child who loves them.

Jessie sulks in the window sill when Woody finds her. She's taking one last look at the sun before being packed away again (she hates being kept in dark boxes) and when Woody tells her that he's sorry but she just doesn't understand, she explains to Woody how she actually DOES understand. She once belonged to a very special kid, too.

In this song, When She Loved Me we learn what happened with Jessie and her owner, Emily. How they were the best of pals when Emily was a little girl and they did everything together. Then, one day, Jessie falls behind the bed and spends a long time under there, gathering dust, forgotten.

Jessie watches as Emily grows into a teenager and all the cowgirl decorations in her room are removed and teenage girl stuff is put up on the walls in its place.

Her story shows how Emily rejected Jessie as she grew up and the pain that caused Jessie.

Get out your tissues; this is a sad, sentimental, sweet song. You'll want to go hug your dolly at the end.

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Video clip copyright Pixar/Disney

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