Toy Story Video Clip:
Woody Laughs at Buzz Lightyear
In the Toy Story movie, Buzz Lightyear believes he is a real space ranger; he does not understand that he is a toy. Woody didn't realize this; he thought Buzz was just putting on an act.
When Woody finds out that Buzz is serious, that makes him laugh even harder! Woody makes fun of Buzz by teasing him, telling him, "Look! Space Aliens!" and Buzz fell for it, looking the other direction. I tell ya, it's like two brothers fighting between one another.
Buzz is really funny in this scene when his helmet comes off after Woody pushes him and he gasps and gags in the air he thinks is toxic.
You'll end up laughing as hard as Woody does after you watch this video clip!
Video clip copyright Pixar/Disney