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UP- A Good Reminder of Timeless Advice

by Colleen C.
(Heber, UT, USA)

I LOVE that the main character in UP is a senior citizen. Carl appears to be a stereotypical, crotchety old man that wants to be left alone. No one realizes the pain he is going through and no one is aware of the life and adventures he's had. I think it is ingenious to expose this generation to a character like Carl. In this day and age, I believe the youth have forgotten about their elders. It is a brilliant idea to have Russell make a connection to Carl and experience a major life adventure with him.

It teaches our youth an invaluable lesson that senior citizens have much to share with our youth and that they are not to be feared. The movie also has great underlying messages about love, greed, ambition, and perseverance.

While teaching all of those things, the movie is downright FUN! The creativity in a flying house and a crazy bird keeps the audience engaged in wondering what's going to happen next. The movie never slows down. This is truly a movie for all ages.

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