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Up Movie Video Clip:
Carl & Ellie Fredricksen

In the Up movie, Carl Fredricksen is a grumpy, bitter old man. We often don't stop to think why it might be that someone has the attitude that they do.

Pixar is excellent at setting the stage for understanding how a character got to be the way he or she is, and in this case, by the time the montage clip is finished, you will not only be deeply moved emotionally, but you will also care about Carl, even though he is a grumpy, bitter old man.

The video begins with Carl and Ellie's marriage. We see how their opposites in personality compliment one another throughout their lives. They go through a tough and heartbreaking episode, but instead of dwelling on this, they decide to save for an adventure to Paradise Falls instead.

Carl is a balloon vendor at the zoo and Ellie is either a tour guide or a zookeeper. They stay together at work all this time and we understand how balloons became such an important part of the story.

Well, Carl and Ellie never got to realize their dream of going to Paradise Falls together, although they came so close. It sets the stage for Carl's bitterness at being unable to fulfill his promise to his beloved wife because it is too late.

Notice how the music also takes you on this life's journey as well. The same waltz sounds light and happy as well as tender and sad in others.

Very beautifully done all around...

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Video clip copyright Pixar/Disney

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