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WALL-E Video Clip:
Space Dancing with EVE

WALL-E barely made it out of the escape pod with the plant before it self-destructed. He uses the fire extinguisher to propel him back toward the Axiom when he nearly collides with EVE!

Out of this World

EVE is so happy that he's alive AND that he's saved the plant that she grabs him and twirls him with a WOO HOOOOOO!!! EVE then gives him a statically-charged "kiss" and he floats off, stunned, just like old cartoons used to show.

Then they space dance around the Axiom starliner, swirling and twirling among the jet engines and windows with gorgeous music. It is a beautiful scene in this movie.

Inside the Axiom, Mary, the only passenger who has stopped watching her holographic screen, stops by an enormous window, aghast at the stars and she then notices WALL-E and EVE dancing together outside. Her chair backs up and she collides with John, the man who bumped into WALL·E earlier. John turns off his screen and takes notice of Mary. They feel that special spark.

In the meantime, Captain B. McCrea asks the ship's computer to define many different aspects of life on Earth. His curiosity grows deeper of his roots and he asks question after question. He asks, "Define Dancing" and the computer responds, "Dancing. A series of movements involving two partners where speed and rhythm match harmoniously."

WALL·E and EVE see an open door in the Axiom where BURN-E, a welding robot is repairing a broken light. Once they rush inside, though, the door closes, leaving BURN-E stranded!

(The short film included with the DVD shows BURN-E's story, and it's cute.)

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Video clip is copyright Pixar/Disney

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