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You've got a friend in me.

by Krista

I loved toy story when I was growing up. I really believed my toys could talk to me, just like the movie.

When my son was born he really loved toys. So i decided to buy the Toy Story movie for his second Christmas. He loved it. So next Christmas I bought him the Toy Story 2 movie. His grandma also got him a Woody doll that same year.

After watching the movie and having the doll he was hooked. As you can guess the next Christmas he got Toy Story 3 movie again. And about every Woody doll and Buzz doll they make.

He was Woody for this Halloween. He had a big Toy Story 3 birthday party.

I never thought that one childhood movie I enjoyed would turn into my sons obsession. I love it though. Toy Story movies and the toys have really brought on a strange imagination for my son. And that's OK with me.

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