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Elastigirl is quite a gal!

by Shannon
(Bellevue, WA)

Helen Parr, AKA Elastigirl, is my favorite character from The Incredibles. I love the fact that she has a strong, take-charge personality, and in other parts of the film she is vulnerable, like when she thinks Bob is having an affair on her.

She's a tender mommy when Violet needs reassuring, but a fierce mama-bear when it comes to getting her children to snap out of a panic like after the jet crash.

Elastigirl's SMART when it comes to spying activities. Unlike most superheros, she does not have a perfect looking body, though. And you know what - most gals relate to her even more because of that and love her even more. Especially the scene where she sees herself in the mirror and sighs in disappointment. Yeah, we all relate to that...

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