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Finding Nemo Characters:
Who are the People?

The Finding Nemo characters are all wonderful aquatic animals, but without the human characters, there wouldn't be a story. From the dentist who took Nemo to Darla, the scary little girl.

Philip Sherman

The dentist who has the fish tank in his office, Philip Sherman is also the scuba diver who found Nemo on the coral reef and took him away in a plastic bag. He's not a bad guy, but to The Tank Gang, he holds them prisoner. Dr. Sherman has a niece who loves fish and he captured Nemo to give to her later as a birthday present.

Finding Nemo Darla and Dr. Sherman


Darla is Philip Sherman's niece. She's got elaborate headgear to support her braces and bright orange hair in ponytails. Darla gets overly excited and in the past has shaken her pet fish to death while they were still inside the plastic bag, so she has the reputation as a fish killer. A photo of Darla on the counter top near the tank with her holding a bag with a dead fish in it is a constant reminder to the Tank Gang that any one of them destined to be her pet shall be doomed.

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When the Tank Gang learn that Nemo is going to be her next birthday present, he plays dead when Darla comes around to the dentist office again, so she would decline her gift. Only the timing was bad and Marlin saw his son belly up when he was in Nigel's mouth and could see.

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