Pixar Shorts:
Jack-Jack Attack is one of the Pixar shorts that is similar to Mike's New Car in that it was created especially for with the feature film and in this case it was for The Incredibles. The second similarity to Mike's New Car is that it is a side story to the feature film where it's made into a Pixar short film.
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Elastigirl/Helen Parr calls Kari on the phone from the jet en route to Nomanisan Island and she's uneasy about leaving Jack-Jack with Kari. Kari reassures her that she can take anything this baby can dish out, but the call is cut off (in the movie, this is when the missiles attack the jet).
In this Pixar short, Kari is eager to show Jack-Jack some flashcards for his neurological stimulation, and sets out all sorts of toys for him to play with on the floor. She also puts on Mozart music to help promote cognitive development.
As she turns around though, Jack-Jack is no longer on the floor, but squealing from the dining room table down the hallway! Kari removes the large vase where the baby was hiding behind, but impossibly, he's not there. He's at the refrigerator, sucking on his milk bottle.
Kari is mystified and concerned, so she calls Mrs. Parr and leaves a message when no one answers. As she's on the phone, Jack-Jack floats up to the ceiling and when Kari calls for him, he opens his bottle and milk pours all over Kari's head.
Next we see the baby inside an upturned play pen with a chair on top of it. Jack-Jack is gnawing on the wooden bars and Kari leaves another message for Mrs. Parr, telling her that strange things are happening and she doesn't know what to do.
When she turns around, she sees a perfectly round hole in the play pen and no baby. She sees him high on a display case, teetering over. In a panic, Kari dives to catch him, and he poof! disappears in her hands, leaving only his diaper.
Kari runs downstairs into the laundry room and sees Jack-Jack giggling happily as he floats in and out through the walls. She catches him just before he goes through the dryer in this Pixar short film.
She tries to calm herself and the baby down a bit by looking at flash cards together. Kari's got the baby tethered to a big heavy barbell. She shows Jack-Jack various shapes and when she gets to the campfire shape, Jack-Jack explodes into a ball of fire.
He starts toddling around, cooing and gurgling as normal, but incinerating everything in his path. Kari's in a panic and grabs the fire log tongs to catch him with. But Jack-Jack thinks it's a chasing game and he runs all over the living room, catching the carpet and furniture on fire. Kari finally catches him in the tongs and bursts into the bathroom. She almost dips him into the toilet, but puts him into the bathtub instead.
The following morning Kari is exhausted and delirious. She sits on a chair with Jack-Jack in front of her as she holds a fire extinguisher, nodding off. The house is a complete disaster. As Jack-Jack plays quietly on the floor he bursts into flames. Kari puts him out with the extinguisher, still half asleep.
Jack-Jack suddenly looks at her with laser beam eyes, which she deflects with a mirror. The beams burn marks into the ceiling, where we see it's happened before. The baby coos happily at his achievements.
Then the doorbell rings and Kari is desperate for someone to take over for her. It's Syndrome, but she doesn't know that. He asks if this is the Parr's residence and she exclaims in a crazy way that yes it is and she's the babysitter. She thinks he's there to replace her and hands him the baby. She asks him about the S on his suit and he says it stands for "sitter" but goes on to explain that he couldn't have initials for babysitter because then he'd have to have a BS on his suit.
Then the scene in this Pixar short cuts back to the interrogation room with Rick Dicker chastising Kari for believing Syndrome's lousy explanation. But Kari defends herself, asking if he's ever babysat for an exploding baby before and how she wishes she could forget the whole thing. Dicker then erases Kari's memory of the entire incident.
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