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Legs was my personal favorite mutant in this movie. She's got Barbie doll legs and a toy fishing rod put together. Legs is kind of like a crane because she can reel in heavy objects. She also runs quickly and takes a leading role in getting Woody out of Sid's house.
With a Rocky Gilbralter wrestling doll torso and a bug's head, and uses the Rocky doll hands to walk because he's got no legs.
Rollerbob is kind of disturbing to me because of a personal memory from some of my travels. Crazy, huh? Rollerbob is made up of a little skateboard and the torso of an aviator. He scoots around using his arms and hands on the floor.
This is a Hot Wheels car character with baby arms and Walking Car was the mutant toy who wound up The Frog before distracting Scud the dog.
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