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WALL-E Movie Characters:
The Other Robots

Most all the other robots in WALL-E are described with the Rogue Robots, however, the ones in this section aren't malfunctioning and perform their duties as they're supposed to. Any other robots are described here.

GO-4 is for Gopher or "Go For"
These robots aboard the Axiom are charged with overseeing the security as well as other miscellaneous tasks. They are quite small and float around, but are easily seen by the red flashing light on their tops.

A GO-4 robot helped AUTO with the A113 Directive by placing the plant into an escape pod and set it for self-destruction.

Steward Bots
These are the robots that keep the ship safe and running smoothly. They do everything from cleaning messes and assisting the human passengers to patrolling the Axiom for escaped robots. All the Steward Bots report to GO-4 robots.

TYP-E robot character in WALL-E TYP-E
This robot is seen in the lobby before entering the Captain's bridge. TYP-E is a typing and organizing unit, and upon entering with EVE, WALL·E could not tell if this robot was hostile or not. TYP-E simply went on with its business and allowed them entry.

Upon leaving, TYP-E saw the little robot again and imitated him when he waved. In the end credits, we see TYP-E poking holes in the soil to plant seeds.

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