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WALL-E Movie Characters:
The Rogue Robots

When WALL-E goes with EVE to the Repair Ward for malfunctioning robots, he accidentally sets all of them free. The robots wander the Axiom and help them get the plant into the holo-detector. These robots have a variety of duties, from cleaning to making passengers beautiful. The malfunctions that they have are absolutely hilarious and you'll find that their names are quite clever. Let's meet them now!


M-O is for Micro-Obliterator and is, in my opinion, the cutest robot aboard the Axiom. He's a tiny robot who is a bit compulsive about cleaning. He holds a rotating brush that sounds like an electric shaver going over some whiskers.

M-O befriends WALL·E after following him around the Axiom, cleaning up after him. M-O saves both robots from the garbage airlock when he follows them to the garbage disposal area and wedges himself between the doors as they close. He later joins the malfunctioning rogue robots to help WALL·E and EVE get the plant to the holo-detector.

WALL-E Rogue Robots Characters


BRL-A is an umbrella-bot that malfunctions by uncontrollable opening and closing. BRL-A is able to deflect a laser while the other rogue robots escape security.

Out of this World


D-FIB is a malfunctioning defibrillator whose electric zaps are too strong.


HAN-S is a malfunctioning massage-bot who cannot control his arms as they flail about. He goes crazy destroying some steward-bots and seems to feel better afterward. I wouldn't want him giving me a massage!


PR-T, which sounds like "pretty," is a malfunctioning pink beauty-bot who puts hideous looking makeup on everything. She also is stuck on saying, "You look gorgeous!


VAQ-M is a vacuum robot who sneezes uncontrollably.


VN-GO is a malfunctioning paint robot whose name is a pun on the famous artist Vincent van Gogh.

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