The Incredibles Characters:
The Villains
The Incredibles characters who are the bad guys in this Pixar movie are truly awful. It's interesting to see how little Buddy Pine develops into such an evil person when he turns into Syndrome. Mirage is a bit of an exception, as she demonstrates humanity toward the end of her role in the movie. Let us not forget Bob Parr's boss Mr. Huph; he's like a small biting insect you want to smack!
Syndrome AKA Buddy Pine
As a boy, Buddy Pine was Mr. Incredible's biggest fan during the Golden Age of Superheros. He desperately wanted to be Mr. Incredible's sidekick and called himself IncrediBoy and even invented some anti-gravity boots, so he could fly.
Mr. Incredible dismisses Buddy, though, saying that he prefers to work alone, and seems to be annoyed by Buddy's over-enthusiasm. But Buddy shows up again, just as Mr. Incredible is about to detain Bomb Voyage, a bank robber, and wants to help. He just about gets himself killed when Bomb Voyage throws a round sticky bomb onto Buddy's cape and Mr. Incredible has to save him. Mr. Incredible is angry and has no patience for Buddy and it's the last we see of the boy.
Fast forward fifteen years. Bitterness has consumed Buddy toward all Supers. He's also a brilliant scientist and has made a vast fortune in weapons technology. Buddy has his own island called Nomanisan where he has set up a high-tech base for developing secret weapons to defeat the Supers he resents.
The Incredibles character is now known as Syndrome, he calls on as many retired Supers as he can find to try and defeat his Omnidroid. He improves each version of his Omnidroid in every victory or defeat with a Super he has lured onto his island.
Syndrome stands tall with fiery red hair that stands on end like a flame and wears a black and white costume with gauntlet style gloves that houses various high tech devices that gives him superhero-type powers.
He has spent all these years developing Omidroid robots to defeat the supers and then once he pretends to save the day, he would like to sell his inventions to everyone, so that everyone can be supers. Then the real supers won't be so special anymore.
Syndrome is cruel and heartless and has no hesitation about decisions such as firing torpedoes at Elastigirl as she flies her plane or willingness to allow Mr. Incredible to harm Mirage.
He is defeated at the end of The Incredibles when his cape gets caught in the jet engine of his plane, proving Edna mode is right, that supers should have no capes.
Platinum blonde, tall, lithe with green cat-like eyes, Mirage is a beauty. The Incredibles character, Mirage, is also incredibly intelligent with keen computer and espionage skills. She thrives on having power and is thus Syndrome's right hand partner and love interest.
Mirage assists Syndrome in finding retired Supers to come to Nomanisan Island to battle his ever-improving droids. Mirage is able to find Bob Parr and infiltrate his office at Insuracare to deliver to him the job offer to come to the island base.
Later when Mr. Incredible is held captive, she is at the controls when she hears the distress calls from the aircraft Helen is piloting. Mirage becomes especially concerned after the missiles were launched and she learns there are children on board. Her moral conscience is challenged and she's upset when the plane goes down.
She becomes even more upset when she's used as a pawn when Mr. Incredible captures her and threatens her life and Syndrome calls his bluff. Mirage turns her allegiance to Mr. Incredible after this incident.
Mirage also discovers soon afterward that his family is alive and she returns to his cell to tell him and set him free. He embraces her in gratitude and relief, just as Helen/Elastigirl enters the room. Mirage gets a punch in the face from an insecure Elastigirl, who believes her husband is having an affair with her.
Later, Mirage helps the family escape the island as she offers to help them launch the remaining rocket to get them to Metroville and save the city.
Gilbert Huph
The Incredibles character Gilbert Huph is easy to dislike. He's the CEO of the corrupt insurance corporation, Insuracare, who employs Bob Parr. All Gilbert is concerned about is denying claims and making profits for shareholders and he's annoyed with Bob Parr when he doesn't understand how all of Bob's clients know all the loopholes for getting payments.
Gilbert Huph lectures Bob in his office when Bob sees a man getting mugged in a nearby alley. All Huph can say is that he hopes the victim isn't covered with one of their policies. Bob sees the attacker get away and is ready to walk out and help. The Incredibles character demands that Bob return and that's when Bob couldn't take any more and ended up slamming Huph through several walls.
Huph ended up in the hospital in head-to-toe bandages and in traction and possibly had a mind erasure from Rick Dicker, who emerged from his room. Huph had it coming to him.
Bomb Voyage
A notorious French villain, judging by his accent and name, The Incredibles character Bomb Voyage was one of Mr. Incredible's arch rivals during the Golden Age of Superheros. He appears only briefly at the beginning of the movie when he emerges from a hole blown in a vault holding several bags of money.
Mr. Incredible is ready to capture Bomb Voyage and had him in his sights when Buddy Pine shows up, imploring Mr. Incredible, yet again, to be his sidekick as IncrediBoy. As Buddy leaves to get the police, Bomb Voyage sticks a bomb onto Buddy's cape, causing Mr. Incredible to release Voyage and go save Buddy from being blown to bits. Bomb Voyage makes his escape and we don't see him again.
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